

Courtesy Visit of National Dong Hwa University

A delegation from the National Dong Hwa University led by President Hui-Mi Hsu visited the University of the Ryukyus, and met with President Mutsumi Nishida, Executive Vice President Masahide Ishihara, Advisor to the President Kinuko Yamazato, and Advisor to the President Hiromi Kinjo.

Date and Time: 16:00-17:00, October 17, 2024
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, a delegation from Taiwan’s National Dong Hwa University, led by President Hsu Hui-Ming, visited our university. The delegation included Dean of the Office of International Affairs Su Ming-Chien, Vice Dean of the Office of International Affairs Huang Yu-Chao, Dean of the Office of General Affairs Ho Li-Chen, Director of Human Resources Chuang Wen-Ching, and Manager of the Office of International Affairs Chen Chiao-Hui.

From our university, attendees included President Mutsumi Nishida, Executive Vice President Masahide Ishihara, Advisor to the President Kinuko Yamazato, and Advisor to the President Hiromi Kinjo. The meeting served as an opportunity for both universities to exchange ideas on strengthening collaboration.

National Dong Hwa University is the only national university in Taiwan with a dedicated College of Indigenous Studies and is actively promoting education related to the SDGs both within the university and in the surrounding communities. Since 2023, they have been an active partner in the Inter-Island Sustainability Educational Program, jointly developing and implementing initiatives under this collaboration.

During the discussions, National Dong Hwa University introduced their COIL program and summer programs. Additionally, students from the university currently on long-term exchange at our institution participated in part of the meeting, fostering a warm and friendly atmosphere. Moving forward, we requested their continued support and collaboration in the Inter-Island Sustainability Educational Program.

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University of the Ryukyus website “A Delegation from National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan) Visited Our University” (Japanese)
